Silk Family Law is partnering with CLA North for a seminar for family-run farms and rural businesses on May 22.
From tax to divorce, experts from Greaves West Ayre chartered accountants, Berwick-upon-Tweed, and Silk Family Law, Newcastle upon Tyne, look at the issues that can adversely affect family businesses.
The event is scheduled to take place on 22 May, 10.45am to 12.30pm, followed by a sandwich lunch at St Marys Village Hall, The Chapel, St Mary Lane, St Mary Park, Morpeth NE61 6BL. The seminar is free to CLA members and non-members are welcome at a cost of £10 per place.
Andrew Ayre, partner at chartered accountants Greaves West & Ayre, has specialised experience in family trusts, business valuations and inheritance tax planning. Andrew will focus on tax issues, with a focus of managing risk during succession.
Wayne Lynn, partner at niche family law firm Silk Family Law, which is highly regarded for its expertise in handling complex farming and land-owning cases. He will talk about the financial issues arising in a farming business if divorce happens.
Christian Butler, solicitor at Silk Family Law, will look at the benefits of pre- and post-nuptial agreements for farming families.
CLA Director North Dorothy Fairburn, will introduce the seminar. The morning will end with an expert panel question and answer session chaired by barrister Ian Kennerley, partner at Silk Family Law.
To book your place please complete the booking online booking form and return to CLA North, 10 Aske Stables, Aske, Richmond, DL10 5HG. Alternatively please scan and email to